Sunday, January 20, 2008

Introduction to Class Blog--READ THIS FIRST!

First of all, there are no right or wrong answers in these forums. Prompts are designed to encourage critical thinking. Consider the topic, and then think of an interesting and creative way to respond. The blog is a chance to share your insights and thought processes with your colleagues, as well as to experiment with different ideas and forms of writing. Don't be afraid to write creatively

Credit for your posting will be based on your clear attempts to respond to the topic at a meaningful level, on the depth of your thinking on the subject, and on the degree to which your writing experiment and engages with the prompts.

Each week you will need to respond to the discussion question posted. Posts should be a MINIMUM of 200 words in order to receive full credit. Responses need to be posted by Sunday at midnight, and no late posts will be accepted. (Advice: Write your response on your word processor first, and then cut and paste it into the forum blank.) A total of 15 points will be possible for your response each week, and there will be a total of 10 blog posts. An additional 5 points weekly will be possible by posting a "reply" to or comment on any of your classmates' responses. (You may reply to more than one classmate's posting, but you will not earn more than 5 total additional points.) Don't post a reply just to earn extra points--post a reply only if you have something important, insightful, or useful to say; extra points will be based on the quality/depth of your reply. Please note in either your response title or in the first line of the response whose post you are commenting on.

To post a comment, click on the "comment" button underneath the blog prompt that you want to respond to. A screen with a comment box will be displayed. Click on the "Other" choice as opposed to the "Blogger" choice underneath the box. Enter your name or UF username (something so that I know it is you). You do not need to enter a website unless you would like to. Then cut and paste your reply into the comment box and select "Publish Comment."

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